California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP)

Funding Amount:

First-come, first-serve program. Amounts vary by county and connector type. Ranges between $6,000 - $7,000 per level 2 charger connectors, up to $80,000 per DC fast charger connectors.


Currently open to new applications.


Funded by the California Energy Commission and implemented by the Center for Sustainable Energy, the California Energy Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP) provides incentives for EV charger installations and works with local partners to develop and implement projects that meet current and future regional EV needs for Level 2 and DC fast charging. The statewide efforts aim to provide a streamlined process for getting chargers installed to fill the significant gaps in charging availability.

Qualifying Projects:

· Level 2 chargers

· DC fast chargers

* Visit the CALeVIP website to find more information about the qualifying projects in your area. Funding and qualifying projects may vary by county.


· Must be installed in an accessible area for the public to use at any time, 24/7.

· Any charging station project must have at least one van-accessible EV parking space.

· The charging stations must comply with state EV building codes, refer to the CALeVIP website for more information.

Project Lists & Application Information:

Last updated